Centar dr Tasić

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About biotherapy

There were always reports of "specially gifted individuals who establish contact with their enviroment in an unusual way, they can even influence it, with a mere strength of thought". The cause of those phenomena would have to be some still unknown kind of energy.

Through the centuries, individuals, different cultural communities and civilisations, have been developing and handing down healing methods, widening the comprehension of the possibilities of human conciosness, researching the marveluos functioning of human organism in order to achieve happiness and health.

There are many theories about the energy-flow in human body. The fact is that the energy continuosly transforms through the body, but it would be incorrect to identify life force with breathing, bloodstream or nervous system.

Life force, as a transformation of cosmic energy is above all physiological functions in an organism, for without it they could not exist. Although we arent used to seeing a human and his essence as an energy, we have to know that it keeps the body in health, its unrestricted flow through the organism is crucial for human health.

Knowing that the human organism is the largest known pharmacy, and by bringing the cosmic energy to it, we are waking up the imune system (that universal doctor within) to cure the affected body.

If we would eliminate the posibility of familiar energy sources, which we feel and experience through five of our classical senses, we would be talking of a phenomenon, not yet explained by any of scientific disciplines or known physical laws.

This phenomenon exists!!!

But, up to this day the science is unable to explain its nature, harness it and put it to use.

The traditional ways of healing, represented in a line of therapeutical techniques (bioenergy, shiacu acupressure, chiropractics, phytotherapy, acupuncture..) justified the need for its activities and have been recognized by the World Health Organisation in 1976. In this way, the growing influence and reputation of the new approach to the human health, with the staring point in the energy concept of medicine, was officialy confirmed. This approach covers the wide area of activities, whether as preventive measures, or healing methods, and the biotherapy or healing plays a significant role here.

Biotherapy - psychoenergotherapy , in cooperation with classical rehab programs, eliminates numerous diseases, and health problems.

The man who wants to be healthy, to monitor his health condition, can accomplish that by turning himself towards man and nature, by opening his heart to life and love. A positive attitude like this is integral part of helping the ill, energetically unbalanced organism.

Bioenergetic treatment is a reinstatement of energetic balance in a human organism. It is established that directing bioenergy toward the organism has a highly therapeutical effect.

The energy induced in the healing process is stimulated on a physical level through all energetic centers. Those energetic centers are primary points for biotherapeutical impact.

They are placed along the spine, and by stimulating their activity, we can affect the energetic body.

The interrelation of mental and physical functions creates the conditions for bioenergetic influence, which is specifically directed at the therapists mind.The healer or biotherapist uses the unlimited possibilities of creative thought and thereby performs a top-level transformation of energy into a healing state.

At the same time, that is the life foundation itself, the condition and the only possibility of human existence and influence. When one speaks of energetic structure of human organism, one is aiming at his mental world, the form of consciousness defining him.

The lack or surplus of bioenergy disturbs the harmony of bioenergetic body and creates prerequisites for the beginning of disease. The stories of the surplus of bioenergy, warmth in hands, and the uncontrollable need or urge to give that surplus away to the ill, caused a lot of misconceptions and also monopolized one of the more valuable methods - hand method.

In other words, every organism, if healthy, that is, in balance, has neither more nor less but the amount of bioenergy it needs for a living.

In the moment of healing, the healer (biotherapist) doesnt give away anything of his own - he is merely a transmitter of cosmic or divine energy which he is conducting into the affected organism.

The body, as an energetic structure is in constant interaction with its enviroment. We are all able to sense and recieve the forces and energies that surround us.

The all of our physical, mental and sensible body is stocking up with these energies, without which the survival is impossible. This energetic charge from the Earth and outer space, the flow of that (unseen) energy, enables the life on this planet. When we stand up, our vertical position allows the dynamic flow of the energy. All the powers of Universe, including the power of human conciousness, are the transformations of cosmic energy.


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